Projects completed
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant, Biosolids & Centrate Conveyance Remedial Upgrades: 2 200 000$
- Complete electrical, instrumention, control and SCADA upgrades including system upgrades for the Biosolids & Centrate Conveyance upgrades
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant P Building Upgrade and Odour Control: 20 200 000$
- Complete electrical-instrumentation and communication work. Supply of PLC cabinets, network cabinets, instrumentation, programming and start-up for the new Screen Building, new Workshop, new Outdoor Substation, new phosphorous and CEPT systems, work in the existing grit tanks, transformers and 1000 kW generator.
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Aeration Tank 2 Upgrade: 1 300 000$
- Complete electrical, instrumention, control and SCADA upgrades including system upgrades for the aeration tank 2 upgrades.
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant – West Control Building (TAB-ECAP-03) & Blower Building (TAB-ECAP-05): 5 560 000$
- Prime contract with the City of Toronto. Responsible for complete electrical, mechanical, instrumentation & civil upgrades for the upgrades to the Blower & West Control Bldg. involving new switchgear and Motor Control Centers, new pre-engineered building to house (24) 600V VFD’s, replacement of (24) RAS/WAS motors, replacement of existing 4160V- 1000MCM power feeders throughout the facility, new local control panels, instruments and system commissioning and start-ups.
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Truck Loading Biofilter Upgrades: 2 950 000$
- Complete electrical, instrumention, control and SCADA upgrades including system upgrades for the Truck Loading Biofilter Upgrades.
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Rehabilitation of Digester No. 14: 500 000$
- Electrical and instrumentation work related to the complete refurbishment of digester 14 including al related electrical-instrumentation modifications to the existing facitlity.
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Waste Gas Burner Facility Expansion: 1 100 000$
- Complete electrical, instrumentation, control & SCADA upgrades for the new Waste Gas Burner Facility.
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Integrated Pumping Station : 490 000$
- Electrical work related to all site preparation work related to the construction of the new ABTP Integrated Pumping Station, ABTP North Entrance Site Area, DR&CW Coxwell Tunnel IHES-2B Site , Contractor Training Centre and IPS South Site Area.
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Digesters 9-12 Refurbishing: 3 330 000$
- Electrical and instrumentation work related to the complete refurbishment of the 4 existing digesters including a new digester facility and modifications to existing facilities.
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant D Building Phase 2 Upgrades: 13 500 000$
- Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant (ABTP) D Building Phase 2 Upgrades project to be implemented by the City of Toronto(CITY) includes the installation of a new chemically enhanced primary treatment building as well as other upgrades within the D Building including all electrical, instrumentation and control upgrades.